PTE ÁOK Grastyán Endre Elméleti Tömb | Szigeti út 12. | Pécs, 7624



Venue | INC2024, 25-26 January 2024, Pécs

Venue of the conference

Grastyán Endre Theoretical Building (new block)
Medical School of the University of Pécs

Szigeti rd. 12.
Pécs, 7624



A huge renewal has begun at the University of Pécs Medical School in the spirit of competitiveness, improvement of the quality of education, innovation, and the creation of an inspiring environment.
The building adapts to 21st century student expectations, such as, in addition to personal presence, ICT-supported education, a state-of-the-art "SKILL" environment that prepares students for practical training, problem-oriented training that introduces research challenges, or even quality spaces of community life beyond the educational environment.
Moreover, the 10 000 meters squared park was also renovated behind the building, serving as a beautiful social area for students with its plants, modern pavement systems, outdoor furnishing and artificial pond.

Approaching the venue
Public transportation:
Buses 30, 30Y, 55, 103, 109E, 130 stop at “Ifjúság útja” and “Klinikák”
Buses 55, 109E, 155 stop at “Petőfi utca”
For more information please observe the map available here.

The streets surrounding the university campus are all in parking meter zones.
For more information please click here.